የአባይ ግድብ መሀንዲስ የሆኑት ኢንጅነር ስመኘው በቀለ በመስቀል አደባባይ መኪናቸው ውስጥ በጥይት ተገድለው መገኘታቸው ታወቀ።
ኢንጅነሩ ለመጨረሻ ጊዜ ትናንት ለEBC ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር አብይ አህመድ ግድቡ የሚወራለትን ያህል እንዳልሄደ መግለፃቸውን ተመርኩዞ ኢንጅነሩ ማብራሪያ እንዲሰጡ ተጠይቀው ፤ማብራሪያውን ለመስጠት ከኮሚኒኬሽን ጽህፈት ቤት ይሁንታን እንደሚሹ ገልፀው በሳቸው በኩል ግን ፈቃደኛነታቸውን ጠቁመው ነበር።
ኢንጅነር ስመኘው ባለፈው አመት በግድቡ ስም ምዝበራን በመቃወማቸው ምክነያት የቁም እስረኛ ተደርገው እንደነበር የሚታወቅ ሲሆን በስራቸው የነበሩ አራት ምክትል ስራ አስኪያጆችም ባለፈው ጥር ጀምረ2 እረፍት እንድደወጡ የገቡበት እንዳልታወቀ ተገልፁዋል።
ለኢንጅነሩ መገደል እጃቸውን በሙስና ያጨማለቁና በህዝብ ሀብት ሲነግዱ የነበሩ ቡድኖች የፓለቲካቸውን ኪሳራ ሊያጣጡበትና መረጃ የማሸሽ ስራ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ተገምቱዋል።
ተመልካቾቻችን በኢንጅነር ስመኘው በቀለ ህልፈት አባይ ሚድያ ለቤተሰባቸውና ለኢትዩጵያ ህዝብ መፅናናትን ይመኛል።
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TPLF in its diabolic action, murdered a prominent Ethiopian engineer
የአባይ ግድብ የፖለቲካ ጨዋታ መሆኑንና በ10 ዐመት እንደማያልቅ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ዶ/ር አብይ በተናገሩ ሶስት ቀን ሳይሞላው መገደሉ አነጋጋሪ ነው ። ከ TPLF ውጪ ማንም አይገድለውም አራት ነጥብ.
Ethiopians did contribute a lot for international community to live in peace and in just society. Ethiopians shade blood in a korean penesula war, Congo civilwar and defended their coutry from facists. now the off springs the facist banda Tigres are murdering Ethiopian civilians in their quest to destablize Ethiopia.
1-We Ethiopians like any other country the help of the international community to root out murderer Tigre terrorists. We must not be drawn to civil war or killng inocent civilians or Tigre murderes to avenge the kill Ethiopian murder armada the TPLF and its supporters are committing.
2- We must also know that we have to do everything possible to routout muderer TPLF Generals and TPLF killing soldgers by any means. It is not shame to ask the international comminity mainly the UN security council permanent member countries to avert TPLF planed Genocied. The five permanent UN security councel members and other willing Ethiopia’s friends coalation countries to militarly and sergicaly target TPLF Terrorist juntas till we put our house in order and Ethiopians took ful control of the military and security aparatus which is held now by TPLF murderer old fart politicians and coruupt generas. The US, UK, Russia, and China must come together and take a punitive action against TPLF terrorists.
We Ethiopians all over the intire glob and at home must hold a mass rally to protest the killing of Ethiopian bright Engineer and other former Dangote’s leadership member who is guned down by TPLF mercinaries. and other terrorist groups who ought and dreaded to benefit from Ethiopia’s misery.
EThiopia will huntdown and will defeat its Satanic enemies.
God bless Ethiopia.