
For the last 27 years, Ethiopians in general and the Afar region in particular, has been facing serious political, economic, social problems and environmental problems due to divide and rule politics of TPLF and due to lack of good governance and accountability, rampant corruption, judicial and social injustice and gross human rights violations. Presently, the region is governed without any structural mechanism that would ensure answerability, accountability, and responsibility of the government. There are no institutions responsible for making the ruling officials accountable for their actions and wrongdoing. Tribalism and corruption is a major stumbling block to democracy, socio-economic development, and good governance. These situations are associated with the desire of the TPLF’s Tigray ethnic hegemonic policy to rule and control over the Afar.

However, today, nobody who follows up the recent developments in Ethiopia can deny that the new PM Dr. Abiy Ahmed has raised the hopes, aspirations, and expectation of our Afar people as he has done with the majority of the Ethiopian people in the four corners of our country and from all walks of life.  Another glaring fact which is becoming clearer every day to everyone who is following the events in this country is the fact that the sworn enemies of the democratic changes he is undertaking are out and out to block and obstruct his endeavours in a bud. They just tried that physically on Saturday’s rally. So, our stand is also clyster clear. We in the ARDUF Organisation stand with the majority of Ethiopian people to stand by the side of the democratic change and reform that the new PM is currently undertaking.

At the end of their Tilq Tehadeso (Deep Renewal) the four partners in the ruling coalition of Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) was supposed to merge in one unified organisation instead of front arrangement. They were also supposed the other affiliated or Aggar Parties of Democratic Organisations in the “backward Regions” or less developed regions (Taadaagi Kililochi); such as in Afar, Ben-Shangul, Gambella, Harari, and Somali Region in the merged EPRDF’s fold. We are using “supposed to” is projection and course of action was proposed but is now in disarray. To say the lease, the coalition in ruling EPRDF is the organisational mess. The veteran leaders of TPLF are in hiding in their home base of Tigray.

The Democratic Organisations or DDs as they are pejoratively known of the less developed or underdeveloped

Killils are in no better shape. Just take the two examples of Mr. Abdi Elley, of the Somali Killil and Hajji Seyum of the Afar Region. The infamous Liyu Hayle is of little use without the Tigray contrabandist Generals.

The young and educated Somalis and Afars in two regions are in convulsion and uprising against their leadership. ARDUF strongly supports and encourages Afar Youth in their peaceful demonstration demanding change, democracy and social justice and releasing all prisoners in the Afar region. Alike the Afar Youth (Xukko-Cina) ARDUF has been fighting for democratic change which guarantees democratic rights and freedom of choice to remove the TPLF appointed child soldiers (Manjus) from the Office and replace them with educated, skilled and experienced Afar who are capable to implement and deliver the political, social, economic, civil, cultural and development rights and needs of the Afar people. The Afar people want the leadership who are accountable and answerable to their electorate and the Afar National Assembly.

The question now is not whether the TPLF/EPRDF will be able to rejuvenate (the infamous Afer-lisso meneesaat?) but whether the organisation itself will continue to exist as one Organisation, leave alone integrate the Aggar local derivatives. As we seen Abdi Elley Yesterday in Jijiga we might see Hajji Suyyum and his clique somersault, change their position and march at the head of a demonstration of support in Samara. Because some of the leaders of the Afar National Democratic Party (ANDP), the Afar appendage were ARDUF members and before that even ESAPA leaders. Those are men meant for all seasons!

ARDUF WELCOMES the new PM invitation for peace talks and is ready to enter into meaningful negotiations with his government at any time to reach a comprehensive political solution which leads to fundamental changes in the Afar Region.

ARDUF CALLS on all opposition groups, inside and outside to listen and welcome the peace and reconciliation call of the new PM and to engage in a negotiation to reach a satisfactory conclusion to our common demands. In order to be part of the new democratic changes and reform that we are demanding Dr.Abiy Ahmed and his team and bring together to successful completion the fundamental changes that have been initiated.

Victory to Ethiopian Peoples!!

Victory to the freedom fighter- ARDUF



 Military Command Centre (MCC)

Information Desk of ARDUF

Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF)