1. Clássicos que se tornaram hinos maravilhosos obrigado

  2. Leider hat er unseren Planeten verelassen, darum; BB King. Auf das er nunmehr seinen Traum des Friedens Weltweit und die Gleichstellung jeder Menschenrasse in Frieden und Freude erleben darf. DAs wünsche ich ihm. Ripp, BB… Thanks for all you have given uss. Chuck mach es gut und sende uns den Frieden den wir brauchen von Dir da oben.

  3. I saw him in Newark in 1980?  He played with Muddy and Bobby Blue Bland. He said, I'm going to sing a brand new song and then played this. They came on one at a time and then all at once, we left at 2AM and the three and back up were fresh as daisies. People who play just to be able to play are true artists.

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