Really shame for this Hotel management how in the earth you can just get up and leave receptionist(front desk) without notice anyone that your are leaving even your mom is sick specially not live in same city at list you have to call your management or something even if it's emergency you don't get up and leave like your own company.pls before you put on the air think twice don't treat as little kid i hear the writer talks about this drama how she change it since she took over from other writers and put her self higher but trust me watch your self you have soany mistakes you made every episode anyways I don't wanna be negative but at list respect the people off Ethiopia and gove as something make sense even we are so tired off watching about this drag issue it's to much
እንኳህ በሰላም መጣችሁ ዳናዎች
ፍቅር ሰላም
ፍትህ አንድነይ ለምየ ሀገሬ
ዶ/ር አብይ አህመድከጉንህ ነን እምትሉ …
የቀን ጅቦች አሁን እሚበላ የለም ምን ትበሉ ይሆን
ere yihen drag yemlutn neger allah yatfaw
ዳናዎች ምነዉ ምነዉ ዛዛቹ ፈፅሙና ገላግሉን ገና ሀረክ ኪሩቤልን በዳዴ ብላ እስክትለምነዉ ድረስ መቀጠል አስባቹሀል ማለት ነዉ😂😂
ወይኔ አምላኬ ወይዘሮ ኤልሳ ፈጣሪ ይድረስልሽ እስከሳምንት መልካም ሳምንት
Well danawuchአለም ተብዬዋ ቂጧ ቂጥ ነው ወይስ አልተፊሻል ነው
እትዮጲየ ሀገሬ
በንቺ ነው ማመሬ
ዬትም ዞሬ እማጣልሸለው በርሬ
ውዶች ግጥም ብዙም አልችልም
ግን ደስ ስለላኝ ነው
እነ እትዮጲየ ትቅዳም የእውነት ለ ሀገሬ ልዮ ስሜት አለኝ
ዳናዎች እንኳን በሰላም መጣችሁ
ወዴት እየወሠዱት ነዉ ዳናወች ለምን ልብ አጠልጥላችሁ ጨረሣችሁት::
ይህ ድራማ ግን እየደበረኝ መቷል ምክኒያቴ ሚኬ እና ወንድሙ የፋናየን ልጅ ከ ይርጋ ጋር እዳትገናኝ ማረጋቸው ደስ አይልም። ኤጭ ያው ሳላይ ኮሜት የሰጠሁት ሶሪ
Really shame for this Hotel management how in the earth you can just get up and leave receptionist(front desk) without notice anyone that your are leaving even your mom is sick specially not live in same city at list you have to call your management or something even if it's emergency you don't get up and leave like your own company.pls before you put on the air think twice don't treat as little kid i hear the writer talks about this drama how she change it since she took over from other writers and put her self higher but trust me watch your self you have soany mistakes you made every episode anyways I don't wanna be negative but at list respect the people off Ethiopia and gove as something make sense even we are so tired off watching about this drag issue it's to much
እህ መጨርሻው ሲያስደነግጥ
አይ አለም እጅ ሌላ ፊት ሌላ ፀጉር አርቲ ምን ያስደስታል ግን በውሀ ታጥበሽ ቫዝሊንሽን ሽው አርገሽ ኩልሽን ብትኮይ ኩሩ ኢቶቢያዊ ትሆኝ ነበር
ወይኔ እልያስ ተሎድረስ
እንኳን ዳና መጣችሁ ዳናዎችየ
ሀይ የዳና ቤተሰቦች እንዲት ናችሁ እስኪ ሰብስክራብ አድርጉኝና ደስ ይበለኝ
Welll dan
የስደት ቤተሠቦቼ አብይን ይዘን እንደአዲሥ እንሁን እኔ አዲሥ ልሆን ነዉ ሰብስክራይብ አርጉኝ እናተንም እኔ ላርጋችሁ እንተጋገዝ እኛዉ በኛ😘😘😘😘
Wow be alm poscher yatkayfa becha like yadergagey
እንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ በቦንብ ፍንዳታ እይወታቸውን ለተሰውት አካላቸውን ለቸሩት መሰዋት ለከፈሉት ኢትዩጽያዊ ፈጣሪ ይማራችሁ ለሞቱት ነፍስ ይማር