As much as i like this move i am not happy the way it ended. It clashs with reality. It is morally and legally wrong intentionally blind someone for whatsoever reason. It would be nicer if they add a scene in the hospital the leading male Actor is willing to donate his eyes and the doctors refused on the ground of law and ethics. And then, the actor come up with a smart idea, signing on paper to donate his organ for anyone who need it, when he died in the future. At the meantime, at the back of his mind, he is decided to kill himself and indirectly forced the doctors to use his eyes. He just says like this "i created the problem and i must fix it now even if it costs my life. This is the price of love she gave me." then by creating suspense without telling us what happened to him here, the storyline takes us the end of the movie when she come come back to the house. when she refuses to see and speak to him their "mother" tell her the what happened to him when she was in hospital. Determine to give his eyes to her he jumped from a high building window and seriously injured himself. it is a mricale he is alive now and recovering well. it is a mricale too that doctors found you an eye donated by someone deceased few weeks ago that much you from other hospital. when their is love, their is miracle. forgive him. blaa blaa blaa … like that.
አለም ሰገድ ካለበት ምርጥ ነው
በጣም ምርጥ አስተማሪ የሆነህ ድራማ እናመሰግናለን
እድልዬ የኔ እንቁ !!
ምርጥ ነው በጣም አስየማሪ ፊልም ነው አራዶች ሁሌም እንደምለው እንደስማቹ ፊልማቹም ምርጥ ነው
As much as i like this move i am not happy the way it ended. It clashs with reality. It is morally and legally wrong intentionally blind someone for whatsoever reason. It would be nicer if they add a scene in the hospital the leading male Actor is willing to donate his eyes and the doctors refused on the ground of law and ethics. And then, the actor come up with a smart idea, signing on paper to donate his organ for anyone who need it, when he died in the future. At the meantime, at the back of his mind, he is decided to kill himself and indirectly forced the doctors to use his eyes. He just says like this "i created the problem and i must fix it now even if it costs my life. This is the price of love she gave me." then by creating suspense without telling us what happened to him here, the storyline takes us the end of the movie when she come come back to the house. when she refuses to see and speak to him their "mother" tell her the what happened to him when she was in hospital. Determine to give his eyes to her he jumped from a high building window and seriously injured himself. it is a mricale he is alive now and recovering well. it is a mricale too that doctors found you an eye donated by someone deceased few weeks ago that much you from other hospital. when their is love, their is miracle. forgive him. blaa blaa blaa … like that.
ስው ሆይ የምተፈልጉትን ለማገኘት የሊላ ስው ህይውት አታሳጡ
ለስጋችሁ ሳይሁን ነፍሳችሁን የማሳርፈውን ስራ ስሮ
ስላም ፍቅር .አንድነት .መተሳሰብ ለውዳ ሀገራችን አላህ ያብዛላት ♥♥♥♥
በጣም ገራሚ ነዉ። እራስ ወዳድ መሆን ፍፅሜዉ ዋጋ ያስከፍለናል።
ብዙ ነገሮችን ያስተምራል።
አቤት ስወድሽ እኮ አንች ያለሽበትን ፊልም በሚገርም ሁኔታ ነዉ የማየዉ የምር#ዉድድድድድድድድ
chere gn temchtognal selamawi aremne nw
እልምሰገዱ ኑሩልኝ
እጅግ በጣም የማደንቃት ተዋናይት እድልወርቅ ጣሳው በጣም ነው የምወድሽ😍😍😍😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
ውይ አለመሰገድ ስወድህ ምርጥ እውነተኛአ ታሪክን ነው እሚያሳየው እናመሰግናቸዋለን
Arefe deram new like
ዉይ ብዙ ነገር ያስተምራል።
"….ክፉውን በበጎ ፃፊልኝ።" በጣም ድንቅ አጨራረስ ነው ።
ere dessss sillll ?
ደስ ይላል ታሪኩ እድለወርቅ ያልተነገረላት ምርጥ አክትረስ ነች ከእነንትናም በላይ አስመስላ ሳይሆን ሁና ነው የምትሰራው አድናቂሽ ነኝ ትንሽ ሽሻዋን ከየት እንደለመደች ነው ያልገባኝ
arif sira nw gobez derasi
Oh my god Amazing yehoen film new I like it
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