1. Shaebiya gives badime in 72 and weyane and shaebiya killed all Eritrean freedom fighters at that time just because they don’t want people to win they are shifta yebereha arawit

  2. It is obvious about TPLF but at this time there is protests every parts Ethiopia. Thus now at this moment the discussion should be on how to make this struggle to be fruitful.

  3. One thing I don’t understand about you guys why y’all working with shaebiya when they are killing my people but u against weyane so y’all don’t think we need justice too

  4. Why is andualem sentenced life in prison? He did not kill anyone. He did not steal anything. Please let us start campaign. Dont waste our time with usual propaganda …what we need is action action action!

  5. This is the right time to take measure on TPLF. Do not expect any good results from TPLF. From the beginning to now the come to power to distract Ethiopia and its people’s.

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