Mot le Ethiopia telatoch. Mot Ethiopian lemekefafel lemifelg bemulu. Mot ye Ethiopian 1ndnet lemafres lemiyasb bemulu
ታምራት የአይጥ ምስክር ድንቢጥ
Does Reyot* affiliate with FOX News? LOL. Fox News preaches to be "Fair and Balance" but practice exactly the opposite. Apparently, so do Riotoch.Ere where is the impartiality?
ኢትዮጵያው ብሔረተኛ የምትሉት ቋንቋ , just ኢትዮጵያውያን በሚለው ብታስተካክሉት? Overall you guys awesome….
Please don't be foolish, it's all about the TPLF (woyane) strategies to calm down the current protest against to it. Without the knowledge of TPLF Lema Megerssa couldn't step one feet.
Many of your analysis are not balanced.Its true you aren’t as bad as ESAT block , however being young and educated you can present a rational analysis of current events in Ethiopia. A simple example is you denounce almost everything of the current regimes economic policies without stating its pitfalls.After economic policy is a choice based on data and preferences of ones nation. There’s no absolutism in economic science unlikely the national science. So please try to give fair analysis
Our pundits from DC said : "Mrs. Lagarde speaks french & english.She was also olompied. She dinnes & so on with Mrs. Clinton. Her peer in Ethiopia has been doing none of the above. ye Dehawa tobya lij Atnafu or HD can not sit with her tkesha letkesha according to our so called pundit. Poor Tamrat!You are so pathetic!!!
What a shallow analysis! You should be ashamed of yourselves our self appoined Pundits!!!
Mot le Ethiopia telatoch. Mot Ethiopian lemekefafel lemifelg bemulu. Mot ye Ethiopian 1ndnet lemafres lemiyasb bemulu
ታምራት የአይጥ ምስክር ድንቢጥ
Does Reyot* affiliate with FOX News? LOL. Fox News preaches to be "Fair and Balance" but practice exactly the opposite. Apparently, so do Riotoch.Ere where is the impartiality?
ቴድሮስ ፀጋዬ እና ታምራት ነገራ የዜና መፅሔት ላይ በተከታታይ በምትሰጡት አስተያየት ለወያኔ ጥብቅና የመቆምና ለትግራይ ህዝብ የማዳላት ዝንባሌ ታሳያላችሁ። ሌላው የአማራ እና የኦሮሞ መቀራረብ ይከነክናቹሀል። ባጠቃላይ እናንተ ሁለታቹ የወያኔ ተላላኪ ናቹ
Wow Betam Des Tilalachu Long Live to Reyot Media
ቴዲ የለማ ነገር መቸውንም አይዋጥለትም ለምነ ቢባል ከትግራይ ጋር ግንኙነት ለማድረግ ስለማይፈልግ ተቃጠል ቴዲ እርር በል ገናም ገና
ቴዲ አትቃጠል የትግሬ ስም ለምን አልተነሳም ብለህ ካንተ ጎጥ የመጡት ደደቦች የዘሩት መርዝ ነው ሀገሪቱን ለዚህ ያደረሳት
ታምራት … አንተ እነ ለማ የትምህርት ፖሊሲውን እና ቴክስት ቡክ ቢቀይሩም መንቀፍህን አታቆምም… "ጾታቸውን ይቀይሩልን" ማለትህ አይቀርም!!
ምንድነው እቋማችሁ አንዴ ወያኔ ያስተካክል እንጂ ይቀጥል ነው ብዙ ግዜ አቋማችሁ….እንዴ ወንድም እህት እናት አባት የላችሁም..?
27 አመታት ያለቀው ህዝብ በአጋዚ ለታረደው ወጣት በወያኔ ምክንያቶች በበረሀ ስደት ለሚሰቃዩ አስቡ እንጂ….!!
እንዴ….,በቃ ወያኔዎች ጠላት ናቸው ይውረዱ እንዴ….,ወይ ሰው እንዲወያይ ቦታ ስጡ ሚዲያው የኛ ነው በማለት መብት አትግፈፉ..::
ታምራት እና ቴዲ እርግጠኛ ሆኜ ወያኔ ናቸው። ህወሃት አንዲት ቀን "የኢትዮጵያ ከፍታ" ብሎ ሲደሰኩር .. ህወሃትን ለማንቆለጳጰስ ማንም አልቀደማቸውም። ለማ መገርሳ በተከታታይ ስለ አንድነት እና ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ሲሰብክ። ከምንም በላይ "ብሄር" የሚለውን መፋቁ ሊበረታታና ሊዘመርለት ሲገባ ..መዝለፍ ምን ይሉታል።
ኢትዮጵያው ብሔረተኛ የምትሉት ቋንቋ , just ኢትዮጵያውያን በሚለው ብታስተካክሉት? Overall you guys awesome….
Please don't be foolish, it's all about the TPLF (woyane) strategies to calm down the current protest against to it. Without the knowledge of TPLF Lema Megerssa couldn't step one feet.
Many of your analysis are not balanced.Its true you aren’t as bad as ESAT block , however being young and educated you can present a rational analysis of current events in Ethiopia. A simple example is you denounce almost everything of the current regimes economic policies without stating its pitfalls.After economic policy is a choice based on data and preferences of ones nation. There’s no absolutism in economic science unlikely the national science. So please try to give fair analysis
ቆንጆ ፕሮግራም ነው።
ነገር ግን ሀሳብ አስጨርሱ!!
ፕሮግራማችሁ አሪፍ ነበር። ነገር ግን ለምንድነው የማትደማመጡት? ለሚያዳምጣችሁ ሰው ይረብሻል። ሁለተኛ አንድ ሰው የጀመረውን ቢጨርስ አሪፍ ነው። በርቱ እንደ ምታነስዋቸው ትላልቅ ኢሹ አንፃር ጠለቅ ያለ ትንታኔ ብትጨምሩበት ጥሩ ነው።
Our pundits from DC said : "Mrs. Lagarde speaks french & english.She was also olompied. She dinnes & so on with Mrs. Clinton. Her peer in Ethiopia has been doing none of the above. ye Dehawa tobya lij Atnafu or HD can not sit with her tkesha letkesha according to our so called pundit. Poor Tamrat!You are so pathetic!!!
What a shallow analysis! You should be ashamed of yourselves our self appoined Pundits!!!
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