1. tewodros lemdnew koshasha sewochn yemtgabzew? Ethiopiawinetin bicha yemtsebk meslogh neber, ehe shimagle woyane woyane eyale inji Ethiopia mech ale

  2. From weyane to EPRDF that was funny. Weyane created EPRDF they have the constitution. Ethiopia is still being ruled with the constitution, so what change are you talking about. Your hate toward weyane is clouding your judgment. You miss the old era there is no going back.

  3. Come to your home country and you will see the change we Ethiopians' are enjoying , This is for Tewodros Tsegaye

  4. I agreed with Teddy's opinion. We need strong institutions, otherwise we will not bring any change.

  5. መልካም ውይይት ነው:: የሌላውን ተናጋሪ ሀሳብ ማስጨረስ ግን አስፈላጊ መሆኑ አይዘንጋ!

  6. I  don't agree with Dr. Yohaness's view regarding the presence of transition. because, prime minister hailemariam himself was not from TPLF.  so for Dr. Yohaness, transition was started five years ago. it's weak assertion.