Tamrat what is wrong with you? I don't really understand what you take issue of G7 personal. One needs to be politically dumb to consider Dr Berhanu, Andargachew and G7 as a whole as a group executing Eritrean agenda. You don't need to agree with them, but be professional
I don't get it, how y'all think TPLF was trying to assassinate him? If they want to do that they can easily do it right there in the palace. There's no reason for them to plot it anywhere else.
Congratulations 🇪🇹 That was a great moment to see all Ethiopians to be one, happy and love each other but I feel so sorry Tigrians they don’t want see that. Thanks God we have different countries with Tigrians.
Tamrat what is wrong with you? I don't really understand what you take issue of G7 personal. One needs to be politically dumb to consider Dr Berhanu, Andargachew and G7 as a whole as a group executing Eritrean agenda. You don't need to agree with them, but be professional
ተድሮስ ክ ኣማራ በላይ ኢትዮፕያዊ ለመሆን የምታርገው ጥረት ይገርማል ፡ እናንተ ኣጋሜዎች ግን ትንሽ ኣታፍሩም ፡ኣሁንም ተቆርቃሪ መስለህ ለ ንጽሃት የ ኣማራ ፡ ኦረሞ፡ወላይታ፡ሲዳማ,,,,,ወዘተ ህዝቦች ደም ፡ኣቅም፡ግዝየ ኣጥፈተህ ለወያነ የበላይነት ለማስቀጠል ነህ፡ ኣላወቀም እንጂ ኣሁን እማ ፡ክ ኣጋመ ብቀር ፡ ከሁሉም ኢትየፕያዊ ወንድማሞች ብ ኣንድ የምንሰራለት ግዝየ ደርሰዋል፡ ከኢትዮፕያ ህዝብ ሰለ ወደብ ኣጠቃቀም United nations ጋኣንሄድም የፈለጉ እቃ ያስገባሊ ገፈለጉ ኒኩለር ያስገቡ ምንም ችገርና ጥርጣሬ የለንም ፡ ለ ኣጋሜዎች ግን ጨው እንካን ኣናሳልፈም፡በቁማቹ ነን የምንገድላቹ።ያንተ መንቀኚነት ለኛ ኤርትራዊን ኣይገርመነም ፡ኢኛ ነን በድንብ የምናውቃቹ።
I do not know why you bring Tamirat? he is not fit to give analysis.
I don't get it, how y'all think TPLF was trying to assassinate him? If they want to do that they can easily do it right there in the palace. There's no reason for them to plot it anywhere else.
Brother Tamirat nice to have you back.
ደሮ ሻብያ= ህወሃት
ዘንድሮ ሻብያ=በኦፒዲኦ
ሻብያ ከህወሃት ጋር ተፋትቶ ኦፒዲኦ ነው ያገባው።
የቴዲ ጭንቅላት እና አርቆ አሳቢነት በጣም ነው የማደንቀው።
ይታገሱ የገባው አልመሰለኝም።አብይ ወደ ሳውዲ የሄድነው ፖርት ፈልገን ነው ያለው አሰብ ለ30 አመታት የተከራየችው ሳውዲ ነች። እንጂ ኢትዮጵያ ከሳውዲ የባህር ይሁን የየብስ ድንበር የላትም።
Ethiopia you are losser for last 70 years with eritrea what you talking about just leave bademe no asbe for Ethiopia anymore period.
Keep you dreams about aseb and Red Sea . you people never understand about world low you are Dumb.
ዛሬ በለው እንደቴዲ ደስ የሚለው የለም ተመስገን ለዚህ ስላበቃን ታሜ ደሞ እንኩአን ደና መጣህ
Congratulations 🇪🇹 That was a great moment to see all Ethiopians to be one, happy and love each other but I feel so sorry Tigrians they don’t want see that. Thanks God we have different countries with Tigrians.
tewodros sle Eritrea yematwkewn new yemtaweraw, hulu gize negative.
ጠ/ም አቶ አብይ ፓርላማው ላይ አሸባሪው መንግስት ነው ያሉትን ዛሬ በሰልፉ የተደረገው የሺብር ፍንዳታ ወያኔ የበለጠ አረጋግጧል ።
We will expect a hard time with TPLF. We never give up until TPLF will be dismantled. It is our core enemy for Ethiopia.
Tigray online and Awramba times ብቻ ሳይሆን ethiopia first እዚህ category. ውስጥ መግባት አለበት።
የትግራይ ኦን ላይን እና አውራምባ ታይምስ እስከአሁን ከለሊቱ 7 ሰዓት ድረስ ስለፍንዳታው አለመዘገባቸው ምን ያመለክታል ?😡
The core idea is ethinic federalism should be should be dismanteled and substituted by other federal system.