I agree with you guys, the young PM seems worryingly too keen to impress Shabia. I m afraid it all seems one sided….not only PM seems too naive, he seems to be braking the basic rules of negotiation, by suggesting to give anything for "love and peace" ለእርቅ የሚከፈል ማንኛውም ዋጋ ከፍለን" he is exposing Ethiopia for liability…I do wish I could pretend to be as excited as everybody else but I can see Ethiopia making yet another historical mistake in relation to Shabia. I can understand that the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia should eventually coexist peacefully but I dont think Dr Abiy realizes who he is dealing with. It is Shabia the very group that formed Woyane and has left no stone unturned to dismember Ethiopia..having said that i appriciate his domestic achievements. One cont simply teach an old dog new trick.
The PM raises the word "yeken jiboch" to indicate all four EPRDF corrupted official members not only to TPLF members. But right now some people wrongly using the "word" to indicate Tigray people. This is really ridiculous. However if the PM apologized for the "word" again it gives different meaning and very dangerous because in other word it is the approval of the meaning of the word how right now the people are using.
መውደድ እንደገና
የቀን ጅብነቱ እናንተንም ይመለከታል መሰለኝ ጠቅላይ ሚንስትሩን ይቅርታ ይጠይቁ እስከማለት ደረሳችሁ። እኔ ደግሞ ለናንተ ስም ስጨምርላችሁ የቀበሮ ባህታውያን እላችኋለሁ ። እንደገና የቀንጅቦች ማለት በቀጥታም ሆነ በተዘዋዋሪ ከህወሖት ጋር ኢትዮጵያንና ኢትዮጵያዊያንን ሲዘርፉ ሲገሉና ሲያሰቃዩ የነበሩና አሁንም መቀጠል በመፈለግ በዚህ ታላቅ ለውጥ ፊት ለመቆም እየሞከሩ ያሉ ትግሬ ኦሮሞ አማራና የሌላም ብሔር ማንነት ያለባቸውና ከነልዩነታቸው ወደ ኢትዮጵያንዊነት መደመር ያልቻሉ ማለት ነው።
ምነው ሄደህ ሄደህ ፈራህ የቀን ጅብ ያልሆነ ዝም ይበል ለዚህ ይቅርታ የለውም ይሄ ነገር መቆስቆስ ነው
የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ዳር እስከዳር ለውጡን ሲደግፉና በፈንጂና በጅቦች ሴራ የሚፈጠሩ ግጭቶችን እንዲያወግዙ ትግራውያን ምነው ዝምታን መረጡ?
መረዳት የሚገባችሁ፡ትንሽና ትልቅ ጅቦች አሉ።በላተኛውና ተባባሪውን ነው።ነገር አትጠምዝዙ።
የቀን ጅብ ግልፅ ቋንቋ ነው፣መተርጎም ካስፈለገ ሌባ እና የሌባ ተባባሪዎች ማለት ነው፣ጠ/ሚንስትሩ ጥሩና ገላጭ ቃላት ነው።
I agree with you guys, the young PM seems worryingly too keen to impress Shabia. I m afraid it all seems one sided….not only PM seems too naive, he seems to be braking the basic rules of negotiation, by suggesting to give anything for "love and peace" ለእርቅ የሚከፈል ማንኛውም ዋጋ ከፍለን" he is exposing Ethiopia for liability…I do wish I could pretend to be as excited as everybody else but I can see Ethiopia making yet another historical mistake in relation to Shabia. I can understand that the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia should eventually coexist peacefully but I dont think Dr Abiy realizes who he is dealing with. It is Shabia the very group that formed Woyane and has left no stone unturned to dismember Ethiopia..having said that i appriciate his domestic achievements. One cont simply teach an old dog new trick.
በእነዚህ (ሕወአት ) በአስተሳሰብ በወረዱ ሰዎች ነበር ሀገር ይመራ ነበር።ይገርማል?
I can guess, the gov’t will face difficult time, since there are plenty of people with hidden ideas like Teddy & Tamirat
The PM raises the word "yeken jiboch" to indicate all four EPRDF corrupted official members not only to TPLF members. But right now some people wrongly using the "word" to indicate Tigray people. This is really ridiculous. However if the PM apologized for the "word" again it gives different meaning and very dangerous because in other word it is the approval of the meaning of the word how right now the people are using.
I agree 100% with Yitagessu.
ህዋሀት የሚባለው አይኑ ይጥፋ ጆሮው ይደፈን እግሩ ይቆረጥ ዘር ማንዝሩ ይጥፋ ከኢትዮጵያ ምድር🤛🏿
ርዕዮቶች በጣም ናፈቃችሁኝ በእውነት💚💛♥️