There is contrasting idea by Yared Tibebu. Because in one hand EPLF has a good desire or wish for Ethiopia to be peaceful and respect the its territorial integrity of the country, but on the other hand EPLF support and has been arming secessionist groups like OLF and Ogaden Libration Front. So Ato Yared should have clear stand. By any means EPLF never ever support Ethiopian strength. On top of that TPLF and EPLF have hidden agenda.
Tede, I always appreciate your program. But some times due to idiot questions you get tempered. Therefore what I would like to advise you that be patient full even though you are right. In addition I appreciate your questions to Ato Yared Tibebu or Getachew Gebesa, who haven't been changed his EPRP manifesto or idea that support the Eritrean colonialism issue or questions which is absolutely wrong. Still Yared and TPLF support the colonial issue of Eritrea. As to me and International law, Eritrea issues is not colonialism, but it is secession.
Teddy I like your conversations ( questions) with Yared tibebu. But he didn’t answered well enough to reach us. He has to apologize for the wrong path of Marxist/Lenin style politics they had followed in the past to messed our life up!
There is contrasting idea by Yared Tibebu. Because in one hand EPLF has a good desire or wish for Ethiopia to be peaceful and respect the its territorial integrity of the country, but on the other hand EPLF support and has been arming secessionist groups like OLF and Ogaden Libration Front. So Ato Yared should have clear stand. By any means EPLF never ever support Ethiopian strength. On top of that TPLF and EPLF have hidden agenda.
Tede, I always appreciate your program. But some times due to idiot questions you get tempered. Therefore what I would like to advise you that be patient full even though you are right. In addition I appreciate your questions to Ato Yared Tibebu or Getachew Gebesa, who haven't been changed his EPRP manifesto or idea that support the Eritrean colonialism issue or questions which is absolutely wrong. Still Yared and TPLF support the colonial issue of Eritrea. As to me and International law, Eritrea issues is not colonialism, but it is secession.
He is layer
የጋሽ ፀጋዬ ልጅ ቴዎድሮስ ፈጣሪ ረጅም ዕድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ አድናቂህ:አክባሪህ ነኝ 💚💛❤💚💛❤💚💛❤💚💛❤
Ke 97 yeteshalevtesfa yelal ende betemengist men aynet huneta lay endalu ayawkem
Who is this guy anyway lememot new yetezegajew weregna bete new
Ay ago yared atesasat betam bezu elkeit temetual bekerbu
በቅርቡ ዘገባችሁ ውስጥ omn ቀድሞ ቦታ ስለያዘባችሁ በሚመስል ሁኔታ፣ልደቱ ላይ ያላችሁ አመለካከት negative መሆናችሁ አሳዝኖኛል።አሁንም ያሬድን በግድ ስትገፋው ይታያል።seasoned politician ስለሆነ እንጂ መልእክቱን ለማዛባት ጥራችኾል።ያንድነት ሀይል ደካማ የሆነውም ያልጠራ ልብ ብዙ ስለሆነ ነው።ትግራይ ላይ ልደቱ የሰጠው የበሰለ አስተያየት የትም ያልታየ ሆኖ ሳለ ለምን እንደምትጠሉት አይገባኝም።ርዕይትን አይመስልም ቴድዬ
Teddy be woyane ye ametat yemekefafelna ye chicane gizeyat hebretesabu tegodtual bezihe lady betetena besewer managed hezbunyegefutal
Betam Eritrea lay tilacha silaleh mitinagerew emotional new Eritrea lualawit hager nat wededikim telahim demo sile Eritrea mewesen michilew Eritrean ppl bicha nachew that's it
Sima ante ewir shabiya midegifibet yeneberew weyanen lemetal new lela minim yelewum demo ante mitifeligewin endinageru bicha atitebik manim sew yerasun amelekaket siyaweru asicheris Eritrea dirom Ahunim Wedefitim le Ethiopia andinet tiseralech
Jawar Mohammed is responsible for this anarchy in Shashemene. Jawar claimed he is the leader of qerroo and he should be responsible
Teddy I like your conversations ( questions) with Yared tibebu. But he didn’t answered well enough to reach us. He has to apologize for the wrong path of Marxist/Lenin style politics they had followed in the past to messed our life up!
ቴዲ እናመሰግናለን ያሬድ ጥበቡ የእውቀት ሰው ሳይሆ ተራ የኢህፓና የህውሓት ካድሬ ነው።
አሽቃባጭ ነገር ነው ሰውዬው ትንሽ አይዘገንነውም ልደቱን ብርቅዬ ልጃችን ሲል ለዛውም የሞተ በቅን አእምሮ የማይቀበሉት ንግግር ተናግሮ ቲሽሽ ልደቱ እኮ ጊዜነውንጂ ወንጀለኛ ከዳተኛ ነው
ይህን ቀፋፊ ሥራ ሻሸመኔ የተፈፀመው እጅግ ተደጋግሞ መወገዝ አለበት፤ እባካችሁ የድመት ነፍስ እንኳ ያሳሳል እንኳን በአርያ እግዚአብሔር የተፈጠረን ሰው፤ እጅግ መዝቀጥ መዋረድ ነው በፍፁም መደገም አይገባውም።
የአገራችንን ፖለቲካ በጥልቅ ዕይታና ምልከታ ማቅረብ የሚችል የራሱን ቅንጦት የሚያስቀድም ከትጥቅ ተጋዳይነት ወደ ምላሥ እርበኝነት የተሻገረና የተሻለ በሚባል የኢትዮዽያዊነት ስሜት ውስጥ የሚገኝ ራሱን: በኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ውስጥ: ካሉና ክነበሩ ቁንጮ ቦተሊከኞች ጎራ የሚመድብ ታሪካዊ ሰው
ቆንጆ ውይይት ነበር ታዲ ፡ ያሬድ ጥበቡ መልካም ነገር ነው ። እናመሰግናለን።
ቴዲዬ please please አንዳርጋቸው ፀጌ ኢንተረፊዉ አርገልን