Guys, Tsehafi Tezaze Aklilu Habtewold is his title, Derg these ignorant criminals abolished these titles b/c they have no clue as to what hey were doing. He was a highly educated and a very decent man who worked hard for the welfare of his country and people,the best PM Ethiopia had. I would like to express my highest respect and admiration for his Excellency PM Aklilu Habtewold, murdered by a bunch of useless criminals called Derg.The main culprit Mengistu lives in Zimbabwe as a free man. God bless his Excellency soul.
Thank you DIRE TUBE for this . Keep up the good work. One Reason people hate weyane is distorting Ethiopian history. They are ruling the country and at the same time they should have the responsibility of preserving historical facts and the peoples unity. Everything they do stays on the history books. It is not too late to correct the historical mistakes they committed. God bless Ethiopia.
A good man has never been honored in his own country.
ethiopia yeken lijochoan mitbela hager nat!! endet yasaznal.
Eritrea is free and independent country now 🤓 interesting documentary
ይህንን ፊልም ለጊዜዉ በ ፬፰፡፪፰ ( 48: 28 ) ላይ ማየቴን አቁሜ ይህንን የዕለት ኑሮዋቸዉን ለማሻሻል ከሚፈልጉት የዕውቀትን የዉሓን ምንጭን የጉድጉዋድ ጥልቀትን ላላወቁትና ላልተረዱት ኢትዮጲያዊ ወገኖቼ እግዚአብሔር ወንድማችንን አቶ ተሾመ ገብረማሪያም ባልደረባና የህግ ባለሞያን አሥነሥቶ አፋቸዉን የመናገርና ሠዉ ሁሉ የማዳመጥን ጣዕም እንደ ጣዝማ ማር እየጣፈጠ ሥለራሳቸዉ ሣይሆን ሥለአለቃቸዉና ሥለበላያቸዉ የጠቅላይ ሚንሥተር ባሕርይና በጎ አሥተሣሠብና ሐገር ወዳድነት ምሥክርነት ሲናገሩ መሥማቴ በበኩሌ ከግል አሥተሣሠብና አመለካከት አልፌ እንድራመድ አዲሥ ድልድይ ፈጥሮልኛል ።
ከአቶ ተሾመ ገብረማሪያም ባልደረባና የህግ ባለሞያ ያገኘሁት ዕውነተኛ የሆነን ታሪክ ያለ ፖለቲካ ቅየጣና ብየዳ ሳይከለሥ በረቀቀ ያለማዳላት እዉነትን ያሥተላለፉ ኢትዮጲያዊ ትጉህ አገልጋይን ዛሬ ማግኘቴ እኔን ዕውነተኛዎችን የሐገር የቤተሠቤንና የግል ታሪኬን ለተቀጣዩ ትዉልድ በፊልም ወይንም በጽሑፍ እንዳሥቀምጠዉ አበረታቶኛል ።
ሥለዚህ በአጭሩ ይህንን ፕሮግራም ላዘጋጃችሁት እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ እላለሁኝ ።
Aklilu Habtewold is unsung hero!!
Guys, Tsehafi Tezaze Aklilu Habtewold is his title, Derg these ignorant criminals abolished these titles b/c they have no clue as to what hey were doing. He was a highly educated and a very decent man who worked hard for the welfare of his country and people,the best PM Ethiopia had. I would like to express my highest respect and admiration for his Excellency PM Aklilu Habtewold, murdered by a bunch of useless criminals called Derg.The main culprit Mengistu lives in Zimbabwe as a free man. God bless his Excellency soul.
ኢትዮጵያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆቿን ቀርጥፋ በልታለች…እየበላች ነውም…..ወደፊትም መብላቷንም ትቀጥላለች።።።።። አንድ ቀን ግን ቃር ሆኖባት አዙሮ ለአንዴም ለመጨረሻም ይደፋትና እኛም እንገላገላለን።።።።። እግዚአብሄር ነብሶትን ይማር።።።።
ሮያል ቤተሰቦችን ምናለ በደንብ ብናያቸው? ቁርጥ..ቁርጥ ያለ ፊልም ከሚሆን።
gash amde endeminwot ?
dre thx
Thank you DIRE TUBE for this . Keep up the good work. One Reason people hate weyane is distorting Ethiopian history. They are ruling the country and at the same time they should have the responsibility of preserving historical facts and the peoples unity. Everything they do stays on the history books. It is not too late to correct the historical mistakes they committed. God bless Ethiopia.
A good man has never been honored in his own country.
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