1. nope, hyper president was sarkozy. in france, dude, the medias call him "jupiter". dont say something you dont know. maybe you have a great image of our president in the other country but in france, we think he is as hollande, as sarkozy, as chirac, its the etablishement.

  2. Keeps busy to keep as far away from his peodophile wife. I would too if I was married to that

  3. Only god can defeat israel, palestinian government looses my sympathy, when their ambassador shared stage with a terrorist Hafeez Saeed in Pakistan, sorry Israel as india is not be able to support you more openly and at last if there is any god, he must have israel's back

  4. Macaroni no past ,no present no future .! If anything possible first AAI just came off the production line in Germany just to hold Angy fall in a deep hole other way build as A CON ,,,x….CERN prototype that can hold the Electric Universe or EU together for a while , till the new toy DWAVE ,CERN and LCI-FER Telescope can be SYNC, using the CSINY signal on how to keep PAPA happy ,on keeping truck of DNA and counting the price for the slaves trade..! Old price was 30 silver coins for selling out

  5. France President, Macron is a Jewish bankers puppet. He's a former staff of Jewish banking corporation , Rothschild &CIE Banque.

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