1. So nice discussion. Let's learn from a country of India, because english colonial system they were lost many of there own people because english want only the fertile land now a we see a map but Bangladesh, some parts of Pakistan were Indian. look now you people are not colonized but want divided. But now India have a strong policy and constitutional law. Respect with ethnicity and cannot divide. If someone want this demonic thing they are promised to kick his ass

  2. ሰው ጥንቁልና ተወራረስን ብሎ ያወራል ክክክክክክክ ምትሉት ነው የጠፋባቹ።

  3. ተማሪዎቹ በምን ይግባቡ እውነት ለመናገር ቋንቋም አላግባባም ብሎናል አንዱ የአንዱን ቋንቋ አያውቅ በጥላቻም ሆነ ባለማወቅ ፤ ኢትዮጵያ የሁላችን ናት የአማራና የኦሮሞ ብቻ ማን አረጋት!

  4. ኮራንባችሁ: ዛሬ ጥሩ እንቅልፍ እንተኛል: እናታችሁ በልጆቿ ትጠበቃለች: ተመስገን: ተስፋችን ለምልሟል: በርቱ ጌታ/ አላህ ይባርካችሁ:

  5. some mistake may occure but donot say mida oromo rather midaworemo it in north shewa merhabet

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