lol the beginning of this video was very hilarious. imagine you at a business conference meeting and you hear one of your favorite song on for some odd reason you can't control your shoulder because the song has taking over your body that to me was classic. the old man just stood up said the hell with this.
שיר חזק מאודד
lol the beginning of this video was very hilarious. imagine you at a business conference meeting and you hear one of your favorite song on for some odd reason you can't control your shoulder because the song has taking over your body that to me was classic. the old man just stood up said the hell with this.
ዋውውው በጣም አሪፍ
#wuste nek
እኔም በወዴ ማክ ፍቅር ተነስቶብኛል በተለይ ፎቶውን ሳይ እንዳተ ልወድቅ ነው😀
ተመሰጥኩበት የሀ ሙዚቃ ኣሪፍ ነው ኣይዞ
Ahun demo stely thonaleche tenesabgn arif new
ዋው ይመቻችሁ
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