tadey program teru new
Getachrw betam gobez leje new yabatun flege teketlo eze
madrsu moyawne akbrale
lemsegen. yegabale .
Getachw is One of the greatest musician in Ethiopia, his talent is epic, Tewdros thank you for not embarrassing or grilling this man unlike your other guests. You’ve tried to grill him because by nature you’re arrogant, but he is very kind and professional he answer all your question very nicely.
tadey program teru new
Getachrw betam gobez leje new yabatun flege teketlo eze
madrsu moyawne akbrale
lemsegen. yegabale .
Getachw is One of the greatest musician in Ethiopia, his talent is epic, Tewdros thank you for not embarrassing or grilling this man unlike your other guests. You’ve tried to grill him because by nature you’re arrogant, but he is very kind and professional he answer all your question very nicely.
መለያየት ሞት ነው
ለተዋደደ ሰው
ስቃዬን አሳየኝ
ደርሶብኝ ብቀምሰው
ዋው ዋሽንት እንዲህ ደስ ይላል ልብ ውስጥ የሚሰርፅ ነገር አለው እናመሰግናለን ርዕዮት
ቴዎድሮስ እጅግ በጣም ;እናመሰግናለን ላቀረብህልን; የሀገራችንን እንቁ ;የሆነውን እንግዳ አርገህ ;ስላቀረብህልን በጣም ደስ ;ብሎኛል ;አንተም በርታ;በዚሁ ቀጥል።
ውይይይይ እንዴት ደስስስ ይላን
በጣም ደስ ይላን የዋሺንት ትዝታ በተለይ ስለ ወሎና ትግራይ ስወደው
ዋወወወዉ በጣም ደስ የሜል ነው
ደስ የሚል ችሎታ ያለው ጌታቸው ታደሰ ባለዋሽንት መሳጭ ስርቅርታ።
ቴዲ ጥሩ እንግዳ ነበር ይጋበዝክልን
ቆንጆ ነው
ከርዕዮት ጋር ሁኑና አትርፋቹ ተዝናኑ።
ቴዎድሮስ ፕሮግራሙ በጣም ጥሩ ነው በርታ
Tedy i was wrong about you .you have substance you are amezing.
Yetechawekat arif musica
Thank you teddy the way you describe about Ethiopian
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