1. sub·si·dy
    a direct pecuniary aid furnished by a government to a private industrial undertaking, a charity organization, or the like.

    Any economic model that forces government to subsidize food production is proof that it is incoherent with nature and reality (madness). so long as we continue to believe on the lies of this religion called economics, hunger will only spread further. even america has to subsidize farming because farmers lose money, crops get trown away because of this economic model
    the whole world will grow increasingly hungry.
    study the banks and how they function, it is their parasitic model that is causing all of this problems. money that goes in the bank never comes out, only the credit created from the money does, designed to bring further money in, credit which they give to whom they please.
    banks are the only institution in the world that can create money by having money. they are the only business in the world that does not need to spend money to make money.

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