1. ብናይ ያኒ ሙዚቃ ሰሪቅኩም ኣምጺእኩም ነዛ ዘይትግጥም ሰብ ተሽክዕዋ ኣለኹም ክክክከክክ ኣንታ ቁሩብ መሕፈሪ የብልክሙን ድዩ ወደይ ባእ… ኢትዮጵያውያንሲ ብዘይ ዙርያኽን ወለለ ክትሕብዩዋ ማዓት ኢኹም ኦይይይ…

  2. ቆንጆ ሙዚቃ ነው ግን ከአርቲስቶቹ ድምፅ ይልቅ ክላሲካሉ ይጮሀል የሆነ የታፈነ ድምፅ ነውያለው፡፡ የአርቲስቶቹ ብቃት አልታየበትም

  3. Artists you have a lot of work to do you have to be able to disintegrate this tribal barrier killil by influencing our government to let us separt by GEOGRAPHIC ZONE NOT BY TRIBE. the only thing that is remaining is to let our STATES willingly unite their borders. please make a song to make states willingly erase their imaginary boundaries created. this will solve the PROBLEMS FOR US AND FUTURE GENERATIONS. Peace be with you all. thanks for the song.

  4. wow meyamer music new .bega bekule selamen fekeren mesebake enchle yehone?????…,enasuse gedatachwen tewtwale, tena learetisetochachen. yesetelegne. meseganaye sefe new:

  5. one love ethiopian, one love east africa…..one love africa….let we tie together for love,peace and posperty….no weapon only love is the solution..

  6. The videos awesome! The Betty shots 🤗🤗 And Elias amazing as always.

    Ethiopians, we're getting so much better! Proud of us. ❤

  7. Kahsay berhe mewdatu hewetka abe kebede shger tetu aleka ata wedi shrmuta dekala resahe donkoro wedi argete shrmuta wedi seyatet sewa hewetka kentfaka ena mes sedrka wedi shrmuta

  8. alekesku betam ende etio ertirawinete ,ena behuletum ager madege selam alemenoru beteseb teleyayen ahun gin selam yebeltal ,nedeki eri ka ajona kulu kihalif u halifuwen u,poleticegnatat neseltanom yom hizbi gin hade u ,ab eri kesina mes sedra teakakibna nenebrelu amlak kihbena netseli tserfee ,bedee,kale kifu ayedilin u aybahlinawen u….selam selam le huletu aynoche etio….eri tsada for ever.