“Assab was a free port, Massawa was a free port to Ethiopia, … but it was the Ethiopian government which boycotted our ports and shifted to Djibouti” Isaias Afewerki
"Assab was a free port, Massawa was a free port to Ethiopia"...
በጣም ይገርማል አልፈልግም ግመል አጠጣበት ብሎት ነው ለካ አሰብን,ለዛሬው የውጭ ንግዳችን ችግር የትናንትናው የነሱ እልክ ነው,ለማንኛው እኔ እማደንቀው ቴክኖሎጂን የዛሬ ስንት አመት ይሆን እኔንጃ የተባለውን ቃልምስክር አድርጎ ሳይጨምር ሳይቀጥል ዛሬን ማሳየቱ
Eritrea and Eritreans are antagonist to Ethiopia. The northern border should remain closed no matter what.
Amara is the only enemy we have.
Ethiopia is no more a threat to Eritrea. We simply bring Egypt and the Arabs in Aseb. Eritrea is a free country and we will protect it with our own blood.
Assab and Massawa was't free Massawa was expensive than asseb even as gebru book mentioned
Emperor Menelik was forced to sign this agreement. Menelik wanted to stop the egregious invasion the most super power toward the middle of his country. In fact, Menelik himself never signed the so called agreement. Didn't the land belongs to Ethiopia before invaded by the super power?
Thanks God you took Evil Melse. That stupid Melse destroyed Ethiopia
የኢትዮጵያን ጥቅም በማሳጣት መለስ የሰራው ጥፋት እና ድንቁርና መቼም አይረሳም። ምን እንዳደረግንህ እኔ እንጃ።አሸንፈን መሬታችንን አስወሰድክ.።የማይረቡ ጠበቆች ቀጥራችሁ የኢትዮጵያን ጥቅም አሳልፋችሁ ሰጣችሁ።መለስና ሕወሓት ለኤርትራ ጥቅምና ጥቅም ብቻ የሰሩ ታሪክ የማይረሳቸው ጉዶች! አንዳንድ ትግራዋይ ስለነዚህ ሽንጡን ገትሮ ሲከራከር ያሳዝነኛል።
I didnt know Esayas have such good intention for Ethiopia. But i always suspect Meles is the origin of every extreem and evil ideas but always live in disguise. I hope Dr Abiy cleanse the poison once and forever.
Always optimstic my dear president.