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Abbay Media – All Things Ethiopia
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Ethiopia - እስክንድር ነጋ፤ ኤሚያስ ለገሰ መቀላቀሉን ገለጸ - Eskinder Nega -...
Tigaru now identify Amara as the ones that brought illness , famine , war , wicked religion cultures and lies on themselves for decades from now on.
The future is full of misery for Amara, all tigaru can do for Amara from now on is to sit back and watch them suffer while they pay for their Amara hodam natures as seen in 2018 2019 zefen eskista with ABIY .Baladera cannot stop these suffering ,noone can, It is too late for that, Amara lives for food alcohol zefen and eskista which led them into a future of misery and sorrow for decades from now on , if not for centuries from now on.
Eskista zefen silu ke Abiy gar Abiy did penetrate them from behind like a biach, Abiy did chase the Derg soldiers out as a teenager fighting for EPRDF. Now Abiy is not chasing them, he got them right where he wanted them, under his feet penetrating their behind turn by turn.
Tigaru now identify Amara as the ones that brought illness , famine , war , wicked religion cultures and lies on themselves for decades from now on.
The future is full of misery for Amara, all tigaru can do for Amara from now on is to sit back and watch them suffer while they pay for their Amara hodam nature’s as seen in 2018 2019 zefen eskista with ABIY .Baladera cannot stop these suffering ,Boone can, It is too late for that, Amara lives for food alcohol zefen and eskista which led them into a future of misery and sorrow for decades from now on , if not for centuries from now on.
Eskista zefen silu ke Abiy gar Abiy did penetrate them from behind like a biach, Abiy did chase the Derg soldiers out as a teenager fighting for EPRDF. Now Abiy is not chasing them, he got them right where he wanted them, under his feet penetrating their behind turn by turn.
Ermias na Esk have koshasha ideas maninim atwakilum. Men get a job. Tekemtesh Go- fund me lemedsh.
Ermias na Esk have koshasha ideas maninim atwakilum. Men get a job. Tekemtesh Go- fund me lemedsh
Ermias na Esk have koshasha ideas maninim atwakilum. Men get a job. Tekemtesh Go- fund me lemedsh
Ermias na Esk have koshasha ideas maninim atwakilum. Men get a job. Tekemtesh Go- fund me lemedsh
Ermias na Esk have koshasha ideas maninim atwakilum. Men get a job. Tekemtesh Go- fund me lemedsh
Ermias is TPLF brushed. No way.
የቄስ ሚስት አወቅሽ አወቅሽ ቢሏት መጽሐፍ አጠበች ፣ እንደሚባለው እየሆንክ ነው አቶ እስክንድር !!! ከነማን ጋር ብትሰራ እንደሚሳካልህ ቆም ብለህ አስብ
Welcome ermi
Abiy don't try to come Europa and US we r ready for opposition. You can't lead Ethiopia by killing AMHARA, Somali, debub, gambles other Ethiopians. You r supporting the bank robberies OLF and Stupid Jawar .Addis Ababa for All! Free Amahra!Free press! Free Opposition party! Free Baladera !!!!!!!
በጣም ጥሩ ኤርሚ እውነተኛ ኢትዬጵያዊ ለህዝብ የቆምክ
እስክድር የሰማውት ግን እውነት ከሆነ እመብርሃን የስራህን ትስጥህ የአባቸው ደም ይፍረድህ ሌላ ምለው የለም ህዝብን ልታባላ ሸፍጥ ሰርተህ ከነ ኤርሚያስ ጋር የሰማውት እውነት ከሆነ ቅድስት ድንግል ማሪያም አታኑርህ የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣ ማአት ይውረድብህ ሌላ ምንም አልልም ከእግዚአብሔር ጠብቃለው የሰማውት እውነት ከሆነ እግዚአብሔር ይፍረድብህ አለንጋውን ያንሳብህ የኢትዮጵያ አምላክ ፍርድን ይስጥህ ስንቱን ህዝብ ስታባላ በእውነት
ብቻ እጠብቃለው ከማንም አይደለም የምጠብቀው ከእግዚአብሔር ያንተን ነገር ያሳየኝ የሞቱት ደም ይፋረድህ ሌላ ምንም አልልም።እውነት ከሆነ እጅግኑ አዝናለው እጅግኑ ከሞቱባቸው የበለጠ አዝናለው
Weakup Diaspora in Washington!!!!
ewunetn yeyazu wondmoch sayzegaju ewunet yaworalu aby gn. wushet lemawurat tezegajto kalhone ayqerbm
ethiopia tkdemln!!!!!
Enem tekelakyalew
እኔም ተቀላቅያለሁ ።
መጀምሪይውኑ እንደዚህ አይልም ነበር እንዴ ታዲያ ጦጣ