1. I'm sure this is a tiny problem for the tens of millions of Democrats who voted for President Obama & Secretary Hillary (We came…He Died) to solve. "We killed" is probably more accurate. Perhaps they will adopt as many of these suffering Libyans as possible due to their failed policies?

  2. I don't buy it that Qaddafi was going to liberate Africa from Europe if he was such a good man how come the people hated him?

  3. Africa needs to be recolonized by Europe, period. What's the point of hating europeans for what they've done to your ancestors when 99% of young africans wants to leave the black continent and reach Europe? Major problem in Africa is leadership, african leaders are useless, corrupt and selfish. In Europe there are many young black people with african roots who are educated, who have political and economic skills, who know how to rule a country. In a modern colonial scenario, those people could return in Africa and rule their ancestors lands with european standards. Old colonialism failed because white people were in charge, but with afro-european people as leaders things would be very different. An african country ruled by afro-europeans people would flourish in less than a decade. Again, stop with this nonsensical "african pride", there's no pride in being the poorest and dangerous continent in the world. Call back the europeans, follow their leadership and accept the afro-europeans advises for the good of Africa. when you decide to risk your own life to reach Europe through the Mediterrean Sea, you're basically admitting that white culture is superior.

  4. Well, there are African middlemen who entice people from their own countries with promises of getting them jobs in Europe but end up selling them to Arab slave traders, just like in the days of yore!

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