do u blame lemma for defending the region and peoples he is administering?? The defense military were there when all these things happened? It's quite clear that tplf organized those theaters! I know u guys read this comment so please give me answer!(tamerat and teddy)
Tamrat has oromo background. Tedros has Tigray or agamay background.those two of them not sure
Tamirat I respect your opinions but you don't have to attack your identity to prove that you are not a racist. We belong to some sort of ethnic groups (not by choice ) no matter what and we believe that we have a lot of things in common, that's where we all met.
Sammy Tadele , you might be right about the Eprdf, being sophisticated , so did Hitler was sophisticated too. Nothing stays the same there is alway tsunami ( big surprise ) that will be the challenge oromo movement would make ethiopia and eritrea to make peace. This is not the first time ethiopia in turmoil, also it will not be the first time Ethiopia to united with the lost tribe(eritrea people ). EPRDF are just carbon copy of shaibia. shaibia and EPRDF are two wings on the same ugly bird . If you are true ethiopian ,you would know there was no country called Eritrea ,it is all ethiopia . The name eritrea was to the So called Red sea ok . Sammy Tadele the old ethiopian kings were more sophisticated and wiser comparing with weyane. Make no mistake wasn't shaibia who put weyane in power , you dumb ass . Don't undermine shaibia . why do you think weyane use biher to divide and conquer bc they are intimidated by ethiopian people in general and mostly Amhara people. why people don't give credit to amhara people, they are always in the front row to defend ethiopia while other tribes making deal with outsiders to destroy ethiopia. When i say amhara tribe , orthodox amhara people. They kept ethiopia for thousands years, now this weyane (embryo) comes and destroyed Ethiopia in few years. Sammy Tadele Ethiopia should take back eritrea . i think you are young to understand how the entire arab nations including egypt had been trying to destroy ethiopia .Likewise , these garbage arabs would use Eritrea Somalia Djibouti to destroy ethiopia but God Almighty would never let ethiopia to be destroy. That's why ethiopian people need to love with each other , to reconcile with each other. God bless you my brother .
do u blame lemma for defending the region and peoples he is administering?? The defense military were there when all these things happened? It's quite clear that tplf organized those theaters! I know u guys read this comment so please give me answer!(tamerat and teddy)
አምላክ ሆይ ይችን ሀገር አድን እባክህ
በ27 አመት ዉስጥ ኢህአዴግ ትልቅ ስራ ሰርታል በግሌ አምናለሁ በዚ አጋጣሚ የትግራይ ህዝብና መንግስት በተለይ የትግራይ ለጅ የሞተበት እናት አባት ባል የሞተበት እህት ወድሞች ዋጋ የተከፋለበትን ራሱ ህዋት እየበለሽ ነዉ ከጊዜው ጋር መለወጥና መቀያር ነበረባቸው ግን መቀየረ አልቻለም ሁልግዜ መታደስ መተደስ ከታደሱ የተለ ለዉጥ በዚ ከቀጠል ሀገሬ ችግር ውስጥ ነች በዚ አጋጣሚ ማለት የምፈለገዉ እትዮጵያ ኦሮሞችን ሳይፈልጉ ዘረኛ እየደረጋችዉት ነዉ እኔን ጨምሮ እናንተን ጫምሮ አንዳድ ጋዜጣኞች ስለ እትዮጵያ ገብቶናል የሚሉ ወጣ ያለ ነገሮችን። በይዘግብ ጡረ ነዉ ትንሽ ብልጭት ሀገር ያቃጥላልና ለምንዘግበዉ እንጠቀቅ
Viva eriteria,viva oromia, viva amhara. Dowm Tigray
Tamrat has oromo background. Tedros has Tigray or agamay background.those two of them not sure
Tamirat I respect your opinions but you don't have to attack your identity to prove that you are not a racist. We belong to some sort of ethnic groups (not by choice ) no matter what and we believe that we have a lot of things in common, that's where we all met.
Sammy Tadele , you might be right about the Eprdf, being sophisticated , so did Hitler was sophisticated too. Nothing stays the same there is alway tsunami ( big surprise ) that will be the challenge oromo movement would make ethiopia and eritrea to make peace. This is not the first time ethiopia in turmoil, also it will not be the first time Ethiopia to united with the lost tribe(eritrea people ). EPRDF are just carbon copy of shaibia. shaibia and EPRDF are two wings on the same ugly bird . If you are true ethiopian ,you would know there was no country called Eritrea ,it is all ethiopia . The name eritrea was to the So called Red sea ok . Sammy Tadele the old ethiopian kings were more sophisticated and wiser comparing with weyane. Make no mistake wasn't shaibia who put weyane in power , you dumb ass . Don't undermine shaibia . why do you think weyane use biher to divide and conquer bc they are intimidated by ethiopian people in general and mostly Amhara people. why people don't give credit to amhara people, they are always in the front row to defend ethiopia while other tribes making deal with outsiders to destroy ethiopia. When i say amhara tribe , orthodox amhara people. They kept ethiopia for thousands years, now this weyane (embryo) comes and destroyed Ethiopia in few years. Sammy Tadele Ethiopia should take back eritrea . i think you are young to understand how the entire arab nations including egypt had been trying to destroy ethiopia .Likewise , these garbage arabs would use Eritrea Somalia Djibouti to destroy ethiopia but God Almighty would never let ethiopia to be destroy. That's why ethiopian people need to love with each other , to reconcile with each other. God bless you my brother .
ታምራት የሚባለው ሰውዬ ኢትዮጵያዊ ነውን? ይህንን የምለው ከሚሰጠው አፍራሽ አስተያየቶች ተነስቼ ነው ይታገሱ የምታቀርበው መረጃና ትንታኔ ብሎም መፍትሄ ታምራት ጣልቃ እየገባ አላናግር አለህ እንጂ የበሰለ ለሀገራችን ኢትዮጵያ እንደ ሀገር እንድትቀጥል ለምትሰጠው የመፍትኄ ሀሳብና መልካም ምኞት የአብዛኛዎቹ ኢትዮጵያውያን ሀሳብ የሚገዛ ስለሆነ በዚሁ ቀጥልበት:: ታምራት ኢትዮጵያንችን ውስጥ ገና ደም መፋሰስ እንደሚቀጥል ይታገሱ ላቀረባቸው የመፍትኄ ሀሳቦች ተፃራሪ ሆነህ ተገኘህ ታድያ ያንተ ሚና ምንድነው? ይህንን አስተያየት ማንበብህ ስለማይቀር በሚቀጥለው ቅዳሜ መልስ ስጥበት::
አቶ ለማ መገርሳ "ሰራዊቱን አልጠራነውም" ያለው ፡ በሕወሃት ሕገ መንግስት ውስጥ የሰፈረውን ፡ ተከትሎ ነውና ፥ ምንም ስተት የለበትም።
ኦሮሞ ውስጥ ያሉ ፡ እንደ "ባለ ሜንጫው" ዓይነት ፡ አክራሪዎችን በመፍራት ብቻ ፡ የሚሰነዘሩ አስተያየቶች በጣም አሳዛኞች ናቸው።
በኦሮሞና በአማራው እዝብ መሃከል ያለው መተሳሰር ፡ የሚመጣውን ማንኛውንም ዓይነት ችግር ፡ መቋቋም ፡ የሚያስችል ነው። አትፍሩ!
Dagnnet befitsum leridio yemihon dimitsm ewiketim yelewm betam new michnkew!!!!
"መከላከያ ሠራዊት" ማለት ፡ አንድን አገር ፡ ከውጪ ከሚመጣ ጠላት ፡ የሚከላከል ሰራዊት ማለት ነው። ይህ በሕገ መንግስት ውስጥም የሰፈረ ነው። የአገር ውስጥ ጸጥታን ማስጠበቅ "የፖሊስ" ስራ ነው።
ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ግን "የሕወሃት ሠራዊት" የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ የሚያየው ፡ እንደ "ውጭ ጠላት" ነው። በመሆኑም ሕዝቡን ያርዳል!
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