Abbay Media News
Dawit Hailu

On Wednesday, February 01, 2018 the United States government,  has given a 28 days ultimatum to the Ethiopian government to formally agree and allow U.N. human rights investigators unconditional access to the country and conduct investigation on human rights violation in Ethiopia.

It is to be remembered, on Monday January 29, 2018 there has been a discussion between representatives of Ethiopian civic and political groups and majority leader McCarthy, Rep. Chris Smith and several lawmakers on H.Res 128. The discussion was regarding HR 128 and how it can be put back on the US House of representatives agenda for voting. During the meeting, an agreement was reached to give the Ethiopian government a fifteen days time limit to allow UN representatives unfettered access to investigate the various human rights violations of the government.

But yesterday, on a letter that the House majority leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R) sent to the Ethiopian civic and political groups whom he met on Monday, the deadline was extended until February 28, 2018. The majority leader said he had spoken to the Ethiopian authority that they should respond within the specified time by allowing the UN conduct independent investigation on human rights violation in the country. Should the government of Ethiopia fail to meet the ultimatum, HR 128 will go directly to US house of representatives for a vote.

According to a statement released by Freedom House last year, the Ethiopian authority was trying to blackmail the United States by threatening not to participate in the fight  against terrorism in Somalia, as Congress moves to strengthen human rights and political reform calls in Ethiopia.