Gonder University Students under Attack

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Abbay Media News
Girma Alemu

On 30th January 2018 at 1:35 pm, government forces entered Gondar University Campus to subdue the peaceful opposition and ended up injuring several students.

The peaceful opposition of the students was to request the government to stop the killing and maiming of innocent nationals. The interference of government security forces turned the peaceful protest to violence which resulted to several injuries and lots of property damages.

According to sources, the injured are being treated at Gondar hospital and some are unconscious and are in recovery rooms from sustained injuries. 20 students were abducted and are taken to unknown places. The mass media and internet services are blocked by the same government committing the atrocities to avoid the news from reaching the international community.

It is indicated, city residents are mobilizing to come to the students’ aid and angered residents of the surroundings areas are joining the opposition.