abyssiniannomadebookfinal-002Finally, the world has its first travel memoir about Africa by about African Woman.

Of the thousands of backpackers who tour Africa each year, very few are from the continent, an African woman is an even greater rarity. As a girl, Maskarm kept her travel yearnings a secret, growing up to isolate herself from her community when she rejected their choice of settling down and motherhood, and dived into a nomadic lifestyle.

In the first travel memoir about Africa written by an African woman, Abyssinian Nomad tells the year in her life when Maskarm traversed the continent from Cape Town to Cairo, entrusting her safety to strangers, experiencing the incredible places that she’d been dreaming about since she was a girl. Her African heritage gives her a unique perspective, some encounters are overflowing with the kindness of strangers, and fortunate strokes of serendipity, whilst other dealings are terrifyingly dangerous. All this was experienced while navigating the grief of her mother’s battle with breast cancer, and relationships breaking down, which Maskarm discusses with a rare authentic honesty and openness.

Maskarm Haile:

Born in Ethiopia, she has so far lived and worked in more than 10 countries and spent 5 years as a nomad living out of her backpack in every continent except Antarctica. Having lived a life of adventure, challenge and travelling in more than 100 countries, she is passionate about

encouraging others to peruse their dreams and acting as a mentor to fellow African women and girls, showing them that they don’t have to be defined by the boxes their culture assigned to them.

She is available for interviews and guest blogs.

Photos are available for download at http://abyssiniannomad.com/gallery.html

“The Cape to Cairo road is where I, a black female soul-searcher, faced my greatest trial in confronting my fear of losing my mother to cancer, trying to keep old love alive, and make my childhood dream come true.

Email: [email protected]                     BOOK TOUR

Website: www.abyssiniannomad.com                   Maskarm is currently touring countries reading

Instagram: Maski_h

Skype: Maskarm excerpts from the book at festivals and private Phone: +256 701 783 217 events.
